Tuesday, February 23, 2010

final copyy podcasting

well i finished my part of the podcast. i was nervous at the beggining so that caused me to mess up a few times but after trying it twice, i calmed down and got it done. it wasnt all that bad ethier, i think i did pretty well. my partner and i broke the speech up into 2 parts i did the first and he did the 2nd. he struggled a little bit with his part but i have to admit his part was definatly more difficult than mine. so hopefully next class we can finish it up and get working on our 5 questions to go along with the podcast. i enjoyed doing this podcast and i think i did prettyy good. thats all for now..

The big day

TOday we will be podcasting but it is not a testrun anymore, its the real deal. i am a little nervous for the whole thing because i dont want tomess up. Besides that, im pretty excited for the whole thing.. to be continued....

Friday, February 19, 2010

end of podcasting day 2

my partner and i have just finished podcasting. this is our second one and it went well. it definatly could have been better but its only our 2nd time so theres alway sroom for improvement. i think for next time we need to just be a little more relaxed while reading our scripts. besides being a little nervous i think everything else was great. our ideas were good and we spoke pretty clearly. the hardest part about these podcasts is coming up with the scripts.

2nd day in the lab

we just did a self assesment on pur lesson plans that were due today. i am pretty confident about mine especially after using the rubric because i covered all of the requirments so hopefully i get a good grade. today i believe we will be working with the podcast again so im excited. last week was fun so im hoping that today will be just as fun if not more. well thats all for now. talk to you in a few.

Friday, February 12, 2010

1st day bloggers

My partner and I, anthony deleo made our first podcast today. we decided to use his computer and we wrote a script out of what we would say. we tried it a few times due to the fact that we were laughing alot in the beginning buth then we stuck to the script and got it done. it was a great experience especially since i had never done it before. im glad i finally experienced this and i hope to keep using it. i also think it would be a great tool to use in the classroom. young students in middle schools or high schools would be very excited to use this tool.

Todays class

I dont know much about podcasts but i am very excited to find learn about them. my computer is extremely slow so it will be hard to keep up with whats going to be going on with the class but i think i will be ok for the most part. we are abou tto begin in a minute so thats all for now.


Friday, February 5, 2010

group project

i will be working with anythony deleo on a poem which will touch both of our major subjects being English, and History