Tuesday, March 2, 2010

last day in comp lab

hello all, as i predicted my partner breezed his way through the 2nd part of the speech. he did a fantastic job. while he did that i came up with some questions for the lesson. today was a very good day because we finished everything that had to be done so far. i hope everyone else had as much as a successful day as me and my partner.

5 Questions for podcasting lesson

1.) Do you think this speech influenced the changes that have occurred in the world concerning race? If so, how?

2.) In the podcast we use the term inextricably, what is the meaning of this term?

3.) What do you think Martin Luther King jr was trying to accomplish with this speech? Do you think he achieved these accomplishments?

4.) What feelings do you think people felt as they were listening to this historic speech?

5.) If you were in the crowd to hear thi speech, what do you think your reaction would have been? What feelings would you have felt?

Finishing our podcast/questions

Today my partner and i will finish our podcast and move onto the 5 questions we will use for our lesson. since the speech was a bit long, we broke it up into 2 parts, i did the first part and my partner is doing the 2nd part. he struggled last week witht e 2nd part but i am confident that today he will be fine with it. the 2nd part of the speech is a challenge i must admit but i think we will do just fine. while he is working on the 2nd part of the podcast i am going to be thinking of five questions for our lesson. well thats all for right now, have a great day everyonee.